We've got 40 straight run chicks going. Things were pretty normal overall. Lost one at 8 weeks when it was caught in the tractor. Lost another just before 9 weeks for the same reason, but it was found in time to harvest, just skinning it and cutting off wings. Lowered weight by a total of 8-9 pounds at least. Butchering was at 9 weeks, with limited help to do the 38 birds. Need to do them earlier in the summer when possible as this second week of September was way too busy to squeeze this in and left me exhausted. We also did one of Turner's roosters.
Waiting until 9 weeks found us with multiple roosters trying to crow, fighting like crazy (lots of damage to each other), and even breeding. It was crazy! Average bird size was approximately 7.5 pounds.
$333.60 for 14 bags of food from Jack and Dicks (22.40 each)
$30 for 2 bags of the same food, bought from Amanda when their flock died
$85.00 Forty Jumbo Broilers $2 each + low order fee of $5
Total expenses $448.60
38 birds butchered, plus one from week before: 299, 8 oz pounds
livers: 4lbs (approximate, I forgot to write down)
gizzard 3lb, 12 oz
hearts: 1 lb, 6 oz
Total weight with organs: 308lbs, 10 oz
Total cost for dressed chickens: $1.49/lb
Total cost if organs included: $1.45/lb