Sunday, February 23, 2020

Food Preservation 2019 (or the year that wasn't)

So, this was quite a down year for preserving food in our home!  I started feeling bad in late Feb and by May I was a mess and practically immobile.  I was diagnosed with RA in June and it took until Aug to see a rheumatologist.  Basically, this year was about getting sick and being sick and working to get better.  With my hands out of commission I had much less ability to can.  With going on the AIP I had much less that I could eat of what I typically can.  With the wet spring, late planting, wet fall, hard harvest there was just much less I could have grown or canned or frozen and I think God was just letting me rest and not feel bad about it!

So here is a very much shortened list:

Strawberries 6 jars sliced, 1 gallon sliced, 1 gallon whole
Mulberries 1 gallon
Blueberries 1 gallon, 5 quarts
Kale 2 bags
Green Beans 5 bags
Zucchini Butter  4 containers
Zucchini 5 bags shredded
Garlic Scapes 3 containers of paste
Chimchurri  2 1/2 pints
Pesto 12 containers
Pasta Sauce 10 containers, 1 large container

Tomatoes 10 quarts diced, 12 pints sauce, 3 pints crushed

We bought a whole hog from Ibelings, 1/2 steer from Wundrows, raised our meat chickens, and got honey from Staubers.  No maple syrup tapping, ate from what we did plant and stocked up at the farmer's market and Clinton produce stands.  Hoping that I'll be back at it more so in 2020 as I feel better and hopefully a better growing year as well.