Monday, September 21, 2009

When It Rains, It POURS!

I am living in a state of overextended gratefulness. Somehow I've become a recipient of a HUGE amount of differing types of produce, all in about 36 hours. And most of it needs to be processed IMMEDIATELY, if not sooner. And I worked today and have to go back in tonight. It has been crazy and I can't wait to share all about it.

Yes, I finally got some tomatoes! :) So, so happy!

(and strawberries, pineapples, pears, watermelons, grapes, apples, potatoes, zucchini, yellow squash, a few assorted other vegetables.)

Lots of canning in my future and I am very, very, VERY grateful that I have off the next 3 days. I'll be working hard!


  1. I feel your pain/pleasure! Last week I was so busy in the kitchen, canning and freezing, I could barely stand by the end of the day! But what a great feeling!
    What a blessing you have 3 days off!

  2. I just processed about 2 bushels of tomato's -thankfully I have Friday off... I have almost another bushel now. We can't even eat at the kitchen table! This longer warm spell has ripened almost ALL the fruit on the vine. We might have no green ones left! I'm going to try to make paste this year. Any great ideas for excess 'maters?

  3. Hooray for you! Can't wait to see what all you get done with it. Thank goodness for a bit of time off!
