Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Summer 2012 Canning/Freezing

So haven't done so well on the whole 'I'm going to post more' have I?  Ah, well, such is life.

Here is a mostly complete rundown of what I froze and canned in 2012.  I'm hoping these lists help me see what we need more of and what we have a glut of from year to year.  Most of the produce was purchased by the bushel and such at a local farmer's market, but a few things were grown in our little city lot.  (The good news, the exciting news, the unbelievable news is that next year...this year...I'll be growing things in my own huge garden!  Yes, we are moving the less than a month!)

Mustard Greens: 3 bags
Green Beans:  19 frozen bags, 12 pints of dilly beans   (these were crazy expensive this year because of the drought, but we love them so I bit the bullet!)
Dill pickles:  26 quarts
Garlic pickles:  5 quarts
Zucchini: lots and lots chopped and shredded
Salsa: 26 quarts, 8 pints
Cranberry sauce:  about 20 pints
Corn:  22 bags
Tomatoes:  Done with freecycle tomatoes early in the spring, not sure of numbers
Banana Butter: 4 pints, 2 half pints  must do more!!!
Zucchini relish:  6 pints (still had many left from 2011)
Bread and Butter pickles:  4 quarts, 1 pint
Broccoli: 16 bags, 1 bag of leaves
Beets: 11 bags
Cauliflower:  2 bags (still had many left)

So this isn't complete, but I also bought 4 bushels of squash, almost all butternut and about 150 pounds of potatoes, as well as multiple cabbage.

We didn't get any beef this year as the half (bought fall of 2011) will last us for 2 years.  The pig we got in March 2011 was much larger than the previous and we still have a fair amount left.  We are debating ordering another as the butcher is going to be 2 hours from our new home...however we also get our maple syrup there and we don't have enough for another year.  We'll see how the move goes and then take it from there.


  1. Holy cow, great job! I feel pretty lame for not doing much of anything this summer canning wise... it just wasn't my season I guess. Can't wait to hear more about your new home!!!

  2. Ummm, you were growing a baby, so I'd say that was a pretty amazing harvest! No lameness feelings allowed from pregnant mamas and newborn baby are too busy for anything else! Congrats again on your new little man. And yes, I'm so excited (and overwhelmed and sick of packing) about our new house. We were there yesterday and bought some of the seller's furniture and then bought some more today off craigslist. We finally will have a grown up house! With three little ones, but still...
